An Easter Reflection On Our Own Mortality
What a joyous day Easter is! Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, and in doing so defeated death. It is the climax of the gospel. Praise God for His goodness, His grace, His forgiveness, and His Son!
Here is a photo of Chelsey's Easter project. Isn't she the best??? I'm seriously too lucky. Anyways, this Easter I had my world turned upside down for a moment... and I needed it.

Spending so much time meal prepping, reading about nutrition, and planning workouts, It's tempting for me to focus on these things, subconsciously placing "health" at the top of my priority pyramid. For you, it may be something else. Leisure, work, school, travel, etc. ANYTHING could take the top spot on a person's priority list. When you make something of this world your top focus, it's easy to forget God's presence, purpose, and truth in your life. One specific story knocked me upside the head this week, and helped me reconsider where my hope lies.
At a bible study that has started at the church I attend, we were discussing the subject of our own mortality. A leader of the church told a story about a 45 year old man who, without going into too much detail, suddenly passed away due to a heart attack. "He must have had an unhealthy lifestyle!" My brain immediately thought. After all, coronary heart disease is a lifestyle disease brought on by a poor diet. Then, we learned that this man was supposedly in good health and a consistent runner! "What?? This couldn't be!" my brain exclaimed. "That means that everything that I have been researching for years, practicing in my daily life, and even spreading to others is a lie!" The moment this passed through my mind I hung my head and chuckled.
How foolish I had been! The story of this man's untimely death was a wrecking ball, breaking down the stronghold I had built out of healthy living. In a moment, I was humbled. "God, all good things are a gift from you. Please forgive me for placing my hope in something other than you."
As the Bible Study continued, another verse stood out to me. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." As I rolled this around in my head juxtaposed with the truth I had just been reminded of, my priority pyramid slowly built itself correctly again.
Pursuing a healthy lifestyle on earth brings glory to God. Caring for the body He has given us is worthy of our effort, attention, and sacrifice. After all, isn't the human body a gift from God? Of course it is! It should be treated as such. All the time I invest in living a healthy life and the time I spend encouraging others to do the same is not in vain. I just have to remember that true life is not something that a plant based recipe or a dynamic workout can give. The man who rose from the dead 2000 years ago says it best... "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."- John 4:14