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Survive Week or Thrive Week? (1/3)

I've decided there are 2 different types of weeks people have... Survive or thrive. This week has DEFINITELY been a survive week. 5 days of work, a few after hours events, and a huge laundry and sink pile are the classic makings of a survival week. Let me ask you a question... do you feel like these weeks are the majority of your 52 out of the year?

The only way we can break a vicious cycle of survival weeks comes down to one thing... planning. Taking time out of each week to plan for the next week is so obvious, but so hard when you are neck deep in time commitments and laundry piles. I get it, definitely. In three total blog posts, we'll show you how Chelsey and I break this cycle... at least for our home life. Still getting my professional life together. Lay off, I'm still a kid! Right?..... Don't answer that.

This post's recommendation is.... Plan your FOOD, and make it healthy! It's a simple concept that can be brutal in exercise. Chelsey and I have similar tastes and health priorities, so it's easier for us than for others when it comes to choosing dishes for the week. Using this planner, we've almost got it down to where it takes us less than 30 min to plan a week's worth of healthy food in proper portions, ultimately saving us time, money, and extra weight! Here is an example of a recent meal plan for Chelsey...

The 21 day fix planner has been the missing guidance needed to create order out of chaos because it is simple, fast, and effective. We do not have to buy prepackaged meals, rather our meals consist of quality fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and complex carbohydrates (quinoa, rice, sweet potatoes, etc.) that we pick and choose from our local grocery stores. We make our own menu, and as long as it fits into our planner and sounds delicious, it is fair game! We don't count calories, and energy slumps at 3pm are no longer a thing. We even use the planner to pre-plan for those nights when your chocolate or savory cravings hit. Believe me...we know what that's like. Our food plan keeps our energy and blood sugars level allowing us to roll with the punches of the typical work day.

If you are looking for order like this in your food life, let me know and I can set you up with this program, and walk alongside you in helping you transition to this new way of meal prepping/planning. It was tough at the beginning just because it was new and different. It really has made a huge difference for us, so I'm so happy we stuck with it! It's added focus to our grocery shopping which translated to $$$ savings, structure to our weekly meals, and extra time during our work week since we make most of our food on the weekend. Also it guides us into consuming appropriate serving sizes rather than "eyeballing" portions, which I NEED in my life. Without a plan, I will eat any any and all of whatever is in front of me, so using the Portion Fix containers have been crucial. Check out this video if you are interested in learning more about these.

We have heard from many people that they do not want to eat the same thing every day at every meal, and you don't have to! That's just how Chelsey and I meal prep because it works for us. We're betting that it would work for you too!

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