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The Commandment and Commission

When you go through the life of Jesus, you'll find two pillars of his teaching called the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). For those simplifiers out there like myself who like to sum things up, Jesus does this for us by laying out the two most important parts of living a Christ-centered life. 

1. Love God with all you got

Love your neighbor as yourself

2. Go into all the nations

Baptize in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Teach them to obey God's commands

Wash, rinse, repeat.

So often, having been taught principles like these as a child, I find that being confronted with familiar sections of God's Word as an adult is so powerful. It's like I realize their power and implications all over again. Unfortunately, I think that because I'm already aware of their existence, I don't tend to seek out these basic Christian principles and commandments for reconsideration. As time passes, the world around me and I change. I am a much different Christian now than I was when Mrs. Terri Tomberlin, Joan Singleton, Joel Garrett, Ethel Singleton, Tamra Mullen, or any of those servant hearted members of the Travis Peak Church of Christ had a young Russell Garrett sitting in their Sunday School Class. I expect from now on out I'll be having my mind blown at the same verses till I get to talk with God about them face to face. Then it'll be perpetual for the rest of eternity. 

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