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Faith Questions

The Foundations Class at The Branch Vista Ridge met for the second time yesterday after 2 weeks of study in Dann Spader's "Walking as Jesus Walked" workbook.

This workbook is tough. Not because the material is hard, it is in fact simple. Read a question, then a verse, jot down a thought. Do that 5-15 times and your done! No, it's tough because it allows no wiggle room for the way a lukewarm christian may live life *cough self cough*. Reading the last few blog posts, you can see that some big ideas are raised and put to bed, like Jesus' fully man and fully God nature. This course is forcing me and others to reckon with our own self informed personal brand of christianity, and it's shortcomings against God's commandments for us to love others self sacrificially, spread His message, and make disciples. I told Chelsey as we drove home yesterday that we could have gone our whole lives without going through a spiritual kick in the butt like this, and thank goodness we have it now.

The class portion was interesting. We were put into groups and told to write down questions we may have had throughout the first 2 weeks of study. One of the questions that my group wrote was....

"How does a Christian manage the Great Commission when we are only human and have to pass some people by?"

After we wrote our questions down, the groups rotated and answered each other's questions, a fun activity for sure. The answer written on mine was "Attend to the people God gives you." I think that is definitely the first step and possible the most important step to fulfilling the gret commission.

I'm looking forward to continueing this study! The 3rd week is about the Holy Spirit and it's role in Jesus Ministry and life. Stay tuned by subscribing! Thanks!

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