Foundations Class: Getting Started
Our class will be utilizing a workbook created by Dann Spader. It would be wise to do a bit of background research on him to credit him,...

Walking As Jesus Walked, The Foundations Class at The Branch Church.
Ever since Chelsey and I said "I do" on July 4th, 2013, it's been important to me that we get plugged in to a church. Not just by sitting...

Survive Week or Thrive Week? (1/3)
I've decided there are 2 different types of weeks people have... Survive or thrive. This week has DEFINITELY been a survive week. 5 days...

Are You In An Abusive Relationship With The Unicorn Frappuccino?
First, let's talk about relationships. We live in a relational world centered around the relationships we have in our family, at work,...

Health Can Come In A Cup! Make "The Garrett Life Green Smoothie"
Years ago when Chelsey and I lived in the dorm at ACU (ahhh, simpler times), we were searching for a way to eat healthier. Chelsey came...

An Easter Reflection On Our Own Mortality
What a joyous day Easter is! Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, and in doing so defeated death. It is the climax of the gospel....

What does the book of Judges have to do with a healthy living blog?
All, A person's convictions are a funny thing. Many times they make total sense. Black is black, white is white, the why is obvious and...